Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Javascript CAML Where clause OR Builder

It is pretty rare that I run into an occasion where I get to use recursive functions and it is always great. This case is pretty limited, but is perfectly suited for JavaScript. Essentially, I needed to be able to tell if a series of files existed in a SharePoint document library because of an old process where data in the database may contain file names which were not in the SharePoint document library. The root cause of this issue is in the file loading and the database loading processes, however changing these are out of scope.

If the list of possible file names is known we can build a query and have SharePoint return the files that exist. In this case I don't need a reusable function, so I decided that I would take the chance and use an area of JavaScript that I almost never get to utilize: self-referencing anonymous functions or recursive anonymous functions. Below is my implementation, it writes the result of the function to the FireBug/IE Developer Toolbar console.

NOTE: Below there is an issue with the syntax highlighter functionality. If you copy and paste the test below, you must change the "" + field + "" to '" + field + "' and the Type="Text" to Type='Text'
Hopefully there will be a fix to the rendering functionality, but until then, there we are.
files = ["file3.pdf", "file1.pdf", "file2.pdf"];
ors = (function buildOR(field, filelist) {
    var BuildEq = function (field, value) { return "" + value + ""; }
    return (filelist.length == 1) ? BuildEq(field, filelist.shift()) : "" + BuildEq(field, filelist.shift()) + buildOR(field, filelist) + "";
})("FileLeafRef", files)

//buildOR("FileLeafRef", files);
Running the example with line 8 uncommented, causes the browser to throw an error. This occurs because the "buildOR" function is an anonymous function. The name "buildOR" is only available inside the function.

Running this example produces the following output (I have formatted it for readability). Note: The FieldRef nodes are self closing, the syntax highlighter appears does not handle these correctly, so I have changed the self closing nodes to accommodate the limitation.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Domain Specific Language For SharePoint 2010 Deployment

Visual Studio 2010 and SharePoint 2010 has made great improvements to deployments, but still lacks important features. This method is designed to allow for:
  • Easily moving to a new environment
  • Ease of deployment script enhancements without having to change all files
  • XML driven deployment scripts
  • Reduce need for having to know the SharePoint API
To achive this, we will use a Domain Specific Language (DSL) using XML and powershell as the processor.

We'll start out creating the shared environment variables. These are the only part of the method that is environment specific. I generally have one file that I copy to all environments and only uncomment the environment section.
# Environment specific variables for use in powershell scripts
#	Usage:
#		. (Join-Path $currentDirectory SharedEnvironment.ps1);
#	Maintenance: 
#		Initial development

## VM
$SPRootURL = "http://localhost";
$SPEnvironment = "VM";
$SharePointDeploymentFolder = "C:\SharePointDeploy";
$SharePointSolutionCache = "C:\SharePointDeploy\wsp";
## DEV
#$SPRootURL = "http://SPUrlRoot"; # no ending slash
#$SPEnvironment = "DEV";
#$SharePointDeploymentFolder = "C:\SharePointDeploy";
#$SharePointSolutionCache = "C:\SharePointDeploy\wsp";
The processor is the heart of the method. It takes in the XML document and performs tasks based on the documents contents and what actions are implemented.
param (
	[string] $xmlPath = $(Throw 'Missing: xmlPath'),
	[Switch] $remove

[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( "Microsoft.SharePoint" );
if((Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"}) -eq $null) { Add-PSSnapIn "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"; }
$currentDirectory = Split-Path $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path; # $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path;
$WSPCache = ".";
. (Join-Path $currentDirectory MemberCatalogEnvironment.ps1);

# Solution Handling
function ProcessSolution( [System.Xml.XmlNode] $solutionNode )
	if ($remove) {
		Retract-Solution $solutionNode;
	} else {
		Install-Solution $solutionNode;

function Install-Solution( [System.Xml.XmlNode] $solutionNode )
	$curDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.ScriptName;
	$fileName = $curDir+"\"+$WSPCache+$solutionNode.File;
	$name = $solutionNode.File;
		if (!(test-path $fileName)) {
			$(throw "The file $path does not exist.");
		$solution = Get-SPSolution $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
		if ($solution -eq $null) {
			Write-Host "Install Solution: $name";
			#Add solution to SharePoint
			Write-Host "Adding solution $name..."
			$solution = Add-SPSolution (get-item $fileName).FullName
			#Deploy the solution
			if ($solution.ContainsWebApplicationResource -and $solutionNode.AllWebApplications) {
				Write-Host "Deploying solution $name to $webApplication..."
				$solution | Install-SPSolution -GACDeployment -CASPolicies:$false -AllWebApplications -Confirm:$false
			elseif ($solution.ContainsWebApplicationResource) {
				Write-Host "Deploying solution $name to $webApplication..."
				$solution | Install-SPSolution -GACDeployment -CASPolicies:$false -WebApplication $webApplication -Confirm:$false
			} else {
				Write-Host "Deploying solution $name to the Farm..."
				$solution | Install-SPSolution -GACDeployment -CASPolicies:$false -Confirm:$false
		} else {
			Write-Host "Update Solution: $name";
			try {
				Update-SPSolution –Identity $name –LiteralPath $fileName –GACDeployment -CASPolicies:$false -Confirm:$false
			} catch [Exception] {
				$_ | gm;
				if ($_ -contains "Cannot uninstall the LanguagePack 0 because it is not deployed") {
					Retract-Solution $solutionNode;
					Install-Solution $solutionNode;
				Else {
					throw $_

		WaitForJobToFinish $solutionNode.File
	} catch [Exception] {
		Write-Error $_; 
		log -message $_ -type "Error";


function Retract-Solution( [System.Xml.XmlNode] $solutionNode )
	Write-Host "Retracting solution $solutionNode.Name...";
	# Solution must be uninstalled and removed.
	$curDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.ScriptName
	$fileName = $curDir+"\"+$WSPCache+$solutionNode.File
		[Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPSolution] $solution = (Get-SPSolution $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)[0];
		if (($solution -ne $null) -and ($solution.Deployed)) {
			Write-Host "Retracting solution."

			if ($solution.ContainsWebApplicationResource -and $solutionNode.AllWebApplications) {
				Write-Host "Retracting solution $name to $webApplication..."
				$solution | Uninstall-SPSolution -AllWebApplications -Confirm:$false
			elseif ($solution.ContainsWebApplicationResource) {
				Write-Host "Retracting solution $name to $webApplication..."
				$solution | Uninstall-SPSolution -WebApplication $webApplication -Confirm:$false
			} else {
				Write-Host "Retracting solution $name to the Farm..."
				$solution | Uninstall-SPSolution -Confirm:$false
			#Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity $solutionNode.File -Confirm:$false
			WaitForJobToFinish $solutionNode.File

			Write-Host "Deleting solution."
			Remove-SPSolution -Identity $solutionNode.File -Confirm:$false
		}elseif (($solution -ne $null) -and ($solution.Deployed))
			Write-Host "Deleting solution."
			Remove-SPSolution -Identity $solutionNode.File -Confirm:$false
	} catch [Exception] {
		Write-Error $_;
		log -message $_ -type "Error";

# Feature Handling
function ProcessFeatureActivation( [System.Xml.XmlNode] $featureNode, $retry = 2 )
		if (-not $remove) {
			[Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFeatureDefinition] $feature = Get-SPFeature | ? {$_.DisplayName -eq $featureNode.Name};

			if ($feature -eq $null) {
				Install-SPFeature -path $featureNode.Name;

			if( ($featureNode.Url -ne $null) -and ($featureNode.Url -ne "") )
				$url = $SPRootURL + $featureNode.Url;
				Write-Host 'Enable feature:' $featureNode.Name;
				Enable-SPFeature -identity $featureNode.Name -URL $url;
				Write-Host 'Enable feature:' $featureNode.Name
				Enable-SPFeature -identity $featureNode.Name
	} catch [Exception] {
		Write-Error $_; 
		log -message $_ -type "Error";

function ProcessFeatureDeactivation( [System.Xml.XmlNode] $featureNode )
		if( ($featureNode.Url -ne $null) -and ($featureNode.Url -ne "") )
			$url = $SPRootURL + $featureNode.Url;
			#stsadm -o deactivatefeature -id $featureNode.Id -url $url
			Write-Host 'Disable feature:' $featureNode.Name;
			Disable-SPFeature -identity $featureNode.Name -confirm:$false -url $url;
			#stsadm -o deactivatefeature -id $featureNode.Id
			Write-Host 'Disable feature:' $featureNode.Name;
			Disable-SPFeature -identity $featureNode.Name -confirm:$false;
	} catch [Exception] {
		Write-Error $_; 
		log -message $_ -type "Error";

function ProcessScript( [System.Xml.XmlNode] $scriptNode )
	"Executing $($scriptNode.Name)...";
	Invoke-Expression $scriptNode."#text";

function ProcessCopyFile( [System.Xml.XmlNode] $copyfileNode )
	"Copying $copyfileNode.file to $copyfileNode.destination...";
	$curDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.ScriptName
	$fileName = $curDir+"\"+$WSPCache+$copyfileNode.file
	xcopy /Y /E /R $filename $copyfileNode.destination
	if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
		Write-Error("Error Copying: " + $filename);

function Main 
	[string]$xmlName = Split-Path -Path $xmlPath -Leaf
	Start-Transcript "$currentDirectory\$xmlName-log.txt";
	Write-Host "Current Directory: $currentDirectory";
	Write-Host "Config: $xmlPath";
	if (test-path $xmlPath) {
		# Found the file in the pwd or via the absolution path
		#"Path Found.";
		$configFileItem = Get-Item $xmlPath;
	} else {
		# Attempt to find the Config XML in the script's directory
		#"Path Not Found.";
		$idx = $inputConfigFile.LastIndexOf("\");
		$configFileItem = Get-Item $(Join-Path $currentDirectory $xmlPath.substring($idx+1,$xmlPath.Length-1-$idx));
	$configXml = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument;
	$configXml.Load( $configFileItem.FullName );
	if ($configXml.SharePointDeploymentConfig.WSPCache) {
		$WSPCache = $configXml.SharePointDeploymentConfig.WSPCache;
	Write-Host "WSP cache location: $WSPCache"; Write-Host("");
	#foreach ($taskNode in $configXml.SharePointDeploymentConfig.get_ChildNodes()|?{$_ -ne $null}) { ProcessTask $taskNode;  } 
	$configXml.SharePointDeploymentConfig.get_ChildNodes()|?{$_ -ne $null} | % { ProcessTask $_;  }
	#[Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm] | format-table -property name, Deployed, DeployedWebApplications, DeploymentState;
	#"---";[Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm] | ? { $_.LastOperationResult -ne "DeploymentSucceeded" } | % { $_.Name; $_.LastOperationDetails; $_; };"Done.";

function ProcessTask( [System.Xml.XmlNode] $taskNode )
	# For multiple web.config modifications, sleeping between activations reduces errors.
	if ($taskNode.Sleep -ne $null) {
		Sleep-For $taskNode.Sleep;

	if( $taskNode.get_Name() -eq "Solution" )
		ProcessSolution $taskNode
	elseif( $taskNode.get_Name() -eq "SiteCollection" )
		ProcessSiteCollection $taskNode
	elseif( $taskNode.get_Name() -eq "FeatureActivate" )
		ProcessFeatureActivation $taskNode
	elseif( $taskNode.get_Name() -eq "FeatureDeactivate" )
		ProcessFeatureDeactivation $taskNode
	elseif( $taskNode.get_Name() -eq "BdcAppDef" )
		"Not Implemented"
		ProcessBusinessDataCatalogAppDef $taskNode
	elseif( $taskNode.get_Name() -eq "CopyFile" )
		ProcessCopyFile $taskNode
	elseif( $taskNode.get_Name() -eq "Script" )
		ProcessScript $taskNode

function WaitForJobToFinish([string]$SolutionFileName)
    $JobName = "*solution-deployment*$SolutionFileName*"
    $job = Get-SPTimerJob | ?{ $_.Name -like $JobName }
    if ($job -eq $null) 
        Write-Host 'Timer job not found'
        $JobFullName = $job.Name
        Write-Host -NoNewLine "Awaiting job $JobFullName"
        while ((Get-SPTimerJob $JobFullName) -ne $null) 
            Write-Host -NoNewLine .
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
        Write-Host  "Finished."

function Pause ($Message="Press any key to continue...")
	Write-Host -NoNewLine $Message
	$null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
	Write-Host ""

function log {
	param (
		[string] $message = $(throw "Please specify a message."),
		[string] $type = "Information",
		[string] $logName = "Application",
		[string] $sourceName = "Logos Inc Deployment"
	$EventLog = Get-EventLog -list | Where-Object {$_.Log -eq $logName}
	$EventLog.MachineName = "."
	$EventLog.Source = $sourceName;
	$EventLog.WriteEntry($message, $type, 1103);

. main
After all of that, we can create our simple XML files. The number of XML files depends on the number of deployment options required. There could be 1 XML which deploys the whole environment (see example below) and a couple other XML files to deploy a small subset of functionality.
Some options not used in this example and I will leave it to the reader as an exercise to implement:
  • BCS
  • Site collection restore
  • Copy files elsewhere on the servers - this may be needed if placing files in places where the WSP won't deploy to
Note: Due to an apparent limitation in the syntax highlighter functionality, the XML brush does not handle self closing nodes correctly. For presentation purposes, I have changed the self-closing nodes to have end tags.

	<Script Name="Remove Session">
	<Script Name="Remove Blocked Extension">
		& .\RemoveBlockedExtension -webApplication "http://localhost";

	<Script Name="Enable Session">
		Enable-SPSessionStateService -DatabaseName "LogosIncSessionState" -SessionTimeout 120

Now that we have the files needed, we can put them into the directory structure:
C:\SharePointDeploy - Powershell Scripts and XML files
C:\SharePointDeploy\wsp - Cache of WSP files and other deployment files
Usage from the C:\SharePointDeploy directory:
.\SPDeploy.ps1 .\Deploy-Logos-EVERYTHING.xml
.\SPDeploy.ps1 .\Deploy-Logos-EVERYTHING.xml -remove

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Beginning Scriptable Remote SharePoint 2010 Deployment

This post is going to cover how I setup my environment to remotely deploy to SharePoint 2010. It assumes that you have a Powershell script that will perform all of your deployment needs as if you were executing it locally on the server. I will cover my deployment script in a different post.

The following is an example of a non-scripted/able remote deployment. It will attach to the server using CredSSP and prompt for credentials, then it will setup the SharePoint Management Console. Each line must be run separately.

Enter-PSSession -ComputerName -Authentication CredSSP -Credential $([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name);
& ' C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\CONFIG\POWERSHELL\Registration\sharepoint.ps1 '; 
Set-Location C:\Deploy; 

There are a couple things of note. Enter-SPSession is not useful for scripting as it doesn't send the subsequent commands to the remote session. Start-Transaction, to record the script output, throws an error and continues because it is not supported through PSSession.
This is all well and good if you want to put a lot of effort into deployment.

Powershell provides New-PSSession to open a remote connection. Use the Invoke-Command to send commands to that session.

$remote = New-PSSession -ComputerName;
Invoke-Command -session $remote -scriptblock {
    sl "C:\SharePointDeploy";
    & .\Deploy.ps1 
Remove-PSSession $remote;
We can build on this a bit by prompting for credentials and invoking the command as a job. "AsJob" can be loosely equivocated to threads in powershell. There may be many times where the order in which commands end does not matter or you can benefit from an asynchronous programming model which this argument provides.
$remote = New-PSSession -ComputerName -Authentication CredSSP -Credential $([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name); Invoke-Command -session $remote -scriptblock { 
    sl "C:\SharePointDeploy"; 
    & .\Deploy.ps1 
} -AsJob;
Remove-PSSession $remote;