Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Powershell Base64 Image Generator For Data URIs

Data URIs are gaining in popularity. There are websites that will generate the URI (like, but requires the uploading of files to someone else server, corporate policies can make these unusable. I haven't seen one in Powershell, so I made one. The code is pretty basic.

You need to know what MIME type for the file, but they are pretty easy to discover. The most common ones I have used:
  • image/gif
  • image/x-icon
  • image/
  • image/png
  • image/jpeg

#	Base64.ps1
#		Converts a file to or from base 64
#	Useful for generating data protocol image addresses:
#	In CSS:
#		background: #ff url('data:image/gif;base64,<Base64String>')
#	In HTML:
#		<img src="data:image/gif;base64,<Base64String>" alt="X">
#	Usage (encode):
#		.\base64.ps1 favicon.ico favicon.b64 -encode
#	Usage (encode & copy to clipboard):
#		.\base64.ps1 favicon.ico -encode -SetClipboard
#	Usage (decode):
#		.\base64.ps1 favicon.b64 favicon.ico -decode
param (
	[string] $source = $(Throw 'source: required parameter'),
	[string] $destination = "",
	[switch] $encode,
	[switch] $decode,
	[switch] $SetClipboard

function Main
	$file = Get-Item($source);
	if ($encode)
		$bytes = get-content -encoding byte $file.Fullname
		$result = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes);
		if ($SetClipboard) {Set-Clipboard $result;}
		if ($destination.length -eq 0)
			return $result;
			set-content -encoding UTF8 -Path ".\$destination" -Value $result;
	elseif ($decode)
		$bytes = get-content -encoding UTF8 $file.Fullname;
		[System.Convert]::FromBase64String($bytes) | set-content -encoding Byte -Path ".\$destination";
		Write-Host("The encode or decode switch is required.");

. Main

For more information on Data URIs, refer to RFC2397 or the Wiki page for the Data URI Scheme for examples on how to use them.