Podcast Roll

I started listening to podcasts after I received an iPod Touch as a gift a couple years ago. It's ability to play podcasts at 2X is probably it's best feature. I have since switched to just using my phone for listening and use BeyondPod. It gives me the ability to automatically download and sync my played episodes with Feedly. The smart playlist functionaltiy is amazing. Since I started using the application, my podcasts and playlist are ready when I wake up in the morning. Plus, it has the ability to set the play speed for each podcast or just a general speed. This might sound like an advertisement for the app, but it is not, I am genuinely that impressed with it.

Podcasts have become an increasingly large part of my audio consumption. They are a good way of expanding your knowledge anywhere or always good for a laugh. These podcasts are not in any order. Below is pretty much the best of the best of my podcast roll.

Ignite your curiosity.


RadioLab - This is an awesome science podcast. Interesting topics presented in a great easily consumed format.
StarTalk Radio - Neil DeGrass Tyson's radio show. If you like his books or Nova Science Now or sceince in general, this is a must listen podcast. The topics cover all disciplines of science.
Stuff You Should Know - Great presentation of information on a countless number of topics.
Groks Science Show
In Our Time - Excellent format, several experts in the field of the topic discuss many topics in depth. There are no analogs being produced in the US. For lovers of knowledge, this is a must listen podcast.
Brain Stuff (How Stuff Works)
The Critical Thinker
Freakonomics Radio - From the authors of the book, very interesting.
Quirks and Quarks - CBC's science news show on current topics happening in, well, science.
A history of the world in 100 objects
How to Do Everything
Intelligence Squared - Oxford style debate, not a regular podcast, but pretty intersting.
Planet Money - Short concise podcast on all things money.
To the Best Of Our Knowledge - Good in depth investigation of a rather narrow topic.
Skeptically Speaking - Sometimes hit or miss, but generally pretty good science radio.
Stuff to Blow Your Mind
Stuff You Missed in History Class
Tech Stuff
The Partially Examined Life


Silver Bullet Security Podcast
Software Engineering Radio - If you can get past the accents in many episodes, there is a lot of good content. It helps practice verbally communicating software concepts.


The Bugle - John Oliver's (of The Daily Show) podcast with Andy Zahlzman on current topics. Impossibly britsh, but impossibly hilarious. A must listen podcast.
Jay and Silent Bob Get Old - Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith on a stage talking about whatever comes to mind. If you like that type of humor, it is pretty good.
Smodcast - As with Jay and Silent Bob you need to like that type of humor. Scott Mosier and Kevin Smith shoot the bull, sometimes live, sometimes not.
Real Time with Bill Mahr - This is the audio rip from the HBO show.
WTFPod - Marc Maron's podcast. If you don't know, check it out. Not always funny, but always good interviews with (mainly) comedians.
Nerdist - I find this to be somewhat (more) hit than miss, I think it is sometimes too long for the type of content to my tastes.


Practical Defense - Talk about self defense.
TED Talks - Short talks on interesting subjects
TED Radio Hour - They take a theme and then find TED talks that relate to the theme and dive into them deeper usually with the presenter or with an other expert in the field.
This American Life - You can't like podcasts and not like this one. Great stories, always interesting.
This Developer's Life - A great podcast about the other side of developer's lives.
Snap Judgement - Similar to This American Life. It seems like they have more stories. Interesting non-the-less.

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