If the list of possible file names is known we can build a query and have SharePoint return the files that exist. In this case I don't need a reusable function, so I decided that I would take the chance and use an area of JavaScript that I almost never get to utilize: self-referencing anonymous functions or recursive anonymous functions. Below is my implementation, it writes the result of the function to the FireBug/IE Developer Toolbar console.
NOTE: Below there is an issue with the syntax highlighter functionality. If you copy and paste the test below, you must change the "" + field + "" to '" + field + "' and the Type="Text" to Type='Text'
Hopefully there will be a fix to the rendering functionality, but until then, there we are.
files = ["file3.pdf", "file1.pdf", "file2.pdf"]; ors = (function buildOR(field, filelist) { var BuildEq = function (field, value) { return "Running the example with line 8 uncommented, causes the browser to throw an error. This occurs because the "buildOR" function is an anonymous function. The name "buildOR" is only available inside the function."; } return (filelist.length == 1) ? BuildEq(field, filelist.shift()) : " " + value + " " + BuildEq(field, filelist.shift()) + buildOR(field, filelist) + " "; })("FileLeafRef", files) console.log(ors); //buildOR("FileLeafRef", files);
Running this example produces the following output (I have formatted it for readability). Note: The FieldRef nodes are self closing, the syntax highlighter appears does not handle these correctly, so I have changed the self closing nodes to accommodate the limitation.
file3.pdf file1.pdf file2.pdf