I used a fantastic jQuery lightbox plug-in which can be found at
http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/. There was almost no setup involved. That is, until it meets SharePoint 2010 custom application pages. Since the page doesn't use the body scroll bars and creates faux-scroll bars in the s4-workspace div, it is possible that the image is too large for the visible area and there are no functional scroll bars to view the rest of the picture. I should suffix my last statement with the fact that this probably would have happened with any lightbox plug-in; it just happened that this is the plug-in I used.
I was tasked with finding a fix and below is the result. I only had to add code to the beginning of two functions: _set_interface and _finish. The short of it is that I cache the important styles that I am going to change, then I modify the styles to enable the page scroll bars. When the lightbox is closed, the cached styles are restored.
var htmlbody = $("BODY"),
bodyMaster = $("body.v4master"),
bodyWorkspace = $("body #s4-workspace"),
savedCSS = {
BodyOverflow: htmlbody.css("overflow"),
BodyMasterHeight: bodyMaster.css("height"),
BodyMasterWidth: bodyMaster.css("width"),
BodyMasterOverflow: bodyMaster.css("overflow"),
BodyWorkspaceOverflowY: bodyWorkspace.css("overflow-y"),
BodyWorkspaceOverflowX: bodyWorkspace.css("overflow-x"),
BodyWorkspaceHeight: bodyWorkspace.css("height")
settings.SavedCSS = savedCSS;
htmlbody.css({ "overflow": "auto" });
bodyMaster.css({ "height": "inherit", "width": "inherit", "overflow": "visible" });
bodyWorkspace.css({ "overflow-y": "auto", "overflow-x": "auto", "height": "auto" });
var htmlbody = $("BODY"),
bodyMaster = $("body.v4master"),
bodyWorkspace = $("body #s4-workspace"),
savedCSS = settings.SavedCSS;
htmlbody.css({ "overflow": savedCSS.BodyOverflow });
bodyMaster.css({ "height": savedCSS.BodyMasterHeight, "width": savedCSS.BodyMasterWidth, "overflow": savedCSS.BodyMasterOverflow });
bodyWorkspace.css({ "overflow-y": savedCSS.BodyWorkspaceOverflowY, "overflow-x": savedCSS.BodyWorkspaceOverflowX, "height": savedCSS.BodyWorkspaceHeight });