The web server process that was being debugged has been terminated by Internet Information Services (IIS). This can be avoided by configuring Application Pool ping settings in IIS. See help for further details.To add insult to injury, it makes you click OK for every application pool that has timed out. In an environment where you have a 4-5 processes attached, this is an annoying waste of time.
It has been long known and pretty well documented on how to fix it in the IIS gui. It is a rather slow process and needs to be automated.
Here is my Powershell function. It will find all of the application pools that start with the specified string and disable the "Ping Enabled" field.
function Disable-Pinging($appPoolNameStartsWith = 'SharePoint - ') { Import-Module WebAdministration; sl iis:\AppPools; Get-ChildItem | ? { $_.Name.StartsWith($appPoolNameStartsWith); } | % { $_.processModel.pingingEnabled = $false; } Remove-Module WebAdministration; }