An interesting bit from my code was the the function that expands the IP ranges that were calculated from Guido's calculator code. Googling did not yield any algorithms, so I took a stab at it. This really feels like it should be a recursive function, but I could not think of an elegant way to implement it.
function expandIPRange(ipform) { var expanded = []; var o1 = ipform.firstadr_1; while (o1 <= ipform.lastadr_1) { var o2 = ipform.firstadr_2; while ((o1 < ipform.lastadr_1 && o2 <= 255) || (o1 == ipform.lastadr_1 && o2 <= ipform.lastadr_2)) { var o3 = ipform.firstadr_3; while ((o2 < ipform.lastadr_2 && o3 <= 255) || (o2 == ipform.lastadr_2 && o3 <= ipform.lastadr_3)) { var o4 = ipform.firstadr_4; while ((o3 < ipform.lastadr_3 && o4 <= 255) || (o3 == ipform.lastadr_3 && o4 <= ipform.lastadr_4)) { expanded.push(util.format("%s.%s.%s.%s", o1, o2, o3, o4)); o4++; if (o3 <= ipform.lastadr_3 && o4 > 255) { o3++; o4 = 0; } } o3++; if (o2 <= ipform.lastadr_2 && o3 > 255) { o2++; o3 = 0; } } o2++ if (o1 <= ipform.lastadr_1 && o2 > 255) { o1++; o2 = 0; } } o1++; } return expanded; }The Node.js application can be found at my GitHub project, IPSubnetMaskToIPRange. The application takes a file of IP subnet masks and outputs 2 CSV files. A CSV file containing the IP ranges calculated by the calculator and a file containing the expanded IP addresses from the calculated ranges.