Saturday, May 23, 2009

User Interface Engineering

It must be a reoccurring trend that every 6 months I find myself searching for new User Interface best practices. I figured I would blog about it, so I can reference it later and update it as I find new gems.

Jakob Nielsen is a user interface design expert and has a lot of information on his web site ( and blog (  Some of his styles might seem a bit bland, but his design principles are very useful.  One post in particular "Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design" (, is a be very useful starting point in designing pages and general content.

There are 2 best practice rules of thumb that stem from #8 summary in the link above:
1) look at how other sites handle the situation and pick the best one
2)  people will spend most of their time using other sites, so unless the company is a web innovator, follow the heard and don't stray too far from it.

Donald Norman ( is another user interface design expert.  He focuses on emotional design and human-centered design.  He does a good job of analyzing interface design in many areas most people probably don't think about (not just for the web) and does it
without getting into technical jargon.  He has a lot of blogs ( and essays ( on his site for free.

Jef Raskin ( is one of the most famous interface design experts.  He is credited with the interface design for the Apple Macintosh UI.  He focuses on intuitive interface design.  He wrote an excellent book called "The Humane Interface" (
). I read it in college.  "Jef Raskin on 'Intuitive Interfaces'" ( would be a good read to further understand Jakob's #8.

- Other good references -
Rules of Thumb for Web Design

Yale Style Manual - Web Style Guide

GreaseMonkey Daptiv Fix to Allow Multiple Item Popup Windows

I have found that the paradigm that Daptiv uses to display items in a list to be very prohibitive. The biggest issue I have found is that by default (and they offer no way to change the behavior) that they only allow one item window to be open at the same time. I have contacted Daptiv to see if there was a way to change it (there wasn't). So I turned to GreaseMonkey to save the day. Here is the GreaseMonkey script to allow multiple item windows open at the same time.
// ==UserScript==
// @name           Daptiv Change Window Name and Title
// @namespace
// @include
// ==/UserScript==

if ( == "IB_Grid") { = "b"+String(Math.random());
 // Change the title
 var items = document.getElementsByClassName("itembrowser-itemlabel");
 if (items.length > 0) {
  var item = items[0].innerHTML.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '');
  document.title = "Item: " + item + " - " + document.title;

I added a bonus to the script in that it will change the title of the window to include the "Name" of the item you clicked on.

This in addition to the speed improvements in FireFox 3 (I can't wait for 3.5 to come out) make Daptiv actually usable. There are other improvements I would like to see, but I will leave fixing those things to another time.