Saturday, May 23, 2009

GreaseMonkey Daptiv Fix to Allow Multiple Item Popup Windows

I have found that the paradigm that Daptiv uses to display items in a list to be very prohibitive. The biggest issue I have found is that by default (and they offer no way to change the behavior) that they only allow one item window to be open at the same time. I have contacted Daptiv to see if there was a way to change it (there wasn't). So I turned to GreaseMonkey to save the day. Here is the GreaseMonkey script to allow multiple item windows open at the same time.
// ==UserScript==
// @name           Daptiv Change Window Name and Title
// @namespace
// @include
// ==/UserScript==

if ( == "IB_Grid") { = "b"+String(Math.random());
 // Change the title
 var items = document.getElementsByClassName("itembrowser-itemlabel");
 if (items.length > 0) {
  var item = items[0].innerHTML.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '');
  document.title = "Item: " + item + " - " + document.title;

I added a bonus to the script in that it will change the title of the window to include the "Name" of the item you clicked on.

This in addition to the speed improvements in FireFox 3 (I can't wait for 3.5 to come out) make Daptiv actually usable. There are other improvements I would like to see, but I will leave fixing those things to another time.

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