Wednesday, August 26, 2009

jQuery Predicate Selectors and ASP.NET

Well, I finally get to blog on something that I get to use in my every day life. There is not much information on the internet regarding to jQuery predicate selectors, so I figured I would blog about how I used them.

The need came up when I was trying to move JavaScript into an external file. The code was put on the page because it referenced ASP.NET controls on the page requiring the use of the old dynamic JavaScript/ASP.NET client ID injection pattern. It seemed like jQuery should be able to find the controls given the last part of the ID. After many google searches and changing of terminologies (I can't remember the search that led me to the solution), I ran across a post from Ben Nadel titled Cool jQuery Predicate Selectors. He describes exactly what I was looking for and more:
Start With: ^=
The ^= operator will filter elements whose attribute starts with the given value.

Ends With: $=
The $= operator will filter elements whose attribute ends with the given value.

Contains: *=
The *= operator will filter elements whose attribute contains the given value.

He goes on to demonstrate how to use these tools, but doesn't go into how it can be used in ASP.NET; that's where I pick up.

Using basic JavaScript to reference an ASP.NET control you have to put a block of code in the aspx page. For example:

aspnetControl = document.getElementById("≶%= serverControl.ClientID %>");

This is all well and good until there are a large number of ClientID's in your page. They are generally very long and can bloat the size of your rendered page. We can use the predicate selectors to improve this case. Lets assume the ClientID ends with "serverControl", per the example above, and that it renders an html input tag.

aspnetControl = $("input[id$='serverControl']");

Short and sweet. This can be refactored and placed into an external file which can be cached.

As for performance, it is safe to assume that the document.getElementById call would be fastest followed by using the jQuery ID selector (which uses the getElementById command) then the predicate selectors. In my real world use of predicate selectors, it seems to be as fast or faster than the the other methods using IE 8 and Firefox 3.0/3.5.

This can go a long way to decreasing the page size and loading/rendering speed of the page. According to Google's Page Speed Best Practices:
You should see a benefit for any file that can be reduced by 25 bytes or more (less than this will not result in any appreciable performance gain).

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