Wednesday, December 28, 2011

SharePoint 2010 Custom Application Page Affix Ribbon To Top Using CSS

Migrating existing applications into SharePoint can be difficult depending on the JavaScript functionality of the old code. Using the default SharePoint 2010 custom application page, the s4-workspace is a div that is re-sized and scrollable to allow the SharePoint ribbon to display. I don't know why Microsoft felt it necessary to do far more work than necessary to fix a div to the top of the window.

Below is the code I used to fix the scroll bars on the page. This makes the ribbon not fixed and will scroll out of view. This could be enough if you don't use the ribbon in your pages.
body {
    overflow: auto ! important;
body.v4master { 

body #s4-workspace {
   overflow-y:auto !important;
   overflow-x:auto !important;
   height:auto !important;

If the ribbon absolutely must be at the top of the page. You can add this bit of code after the above code to properly affix the div to the top of the visible window. My tests showed that this worked for me in IE8, IE 9, and Firefox.

body #s4-ribbonrow {
    left: 0;
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    width: 100%;
    z-index: 101;
body #s4-workspace {
    padding-top: 44px;

That should be it. Not too hard.

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