Monday, August 17, 2015

A Couple AutoHotKey Windows 10 Helpers

With Windows 10 comes a bunch of new features and shortcuts. I have long been a fan of VirtuaWin, it's context menu driven virtual desktop paradigm is a bit of a hurdle, but it is easy to get used to. Windows 10 brings the concept of virtual desktops to the masses. It is pretty simplistic and has much room for improvement, but probably a good starting point.

Here are a couple tweaks that make navigating multiple desktop with your mouse.
; Show Task View, Wheel/Middle click on desktop
#IfWinActive ahk_class Progman
MButton::sendevent {LWin down}{Tab down}{Tab up}{Lwin up}

; Move to the desktop left of the current desktop
$WheelLeft::send ^#{Left}

; Move to the desktop right of the current desktop
$WheelRight::send ^#{Right}

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